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Customize your Product

Custom features and designs are needed for competitive performance in online business.

Change The Design

The design department gets wide range of challenging requests every day. Our highly competitive team of designers are capable of producing outputs that exceed your expectations. We are aware of your business model and what you seek in our custom design. Approach us with your next challenge.

Logo Design

Every business needs a logo. We have successfully made logos for hundreds of our customers.

Tell us about your vision.

Make final recommendations & changes.

We make it a reality with 2 samples.

Have the Logo ready for download.

USD 149

Change Script Design

Our clients approach us with wide range of demands to suit their business needs. Our design team is capable of making it a reality to suit your business model.

Tell us what you have in mind on design changes.
We create few templates/pages according to your ideas.
Make recommendations and final changes.
We get down to implement your ideas.
Install the new script and ensure integration and operation.
USD 200/day
Get a Design Quote

Edit Code, Function & Feature

Our scripts are built on open source technology that offer us great flexibility. Changes in available functions, adding or removing features are necessary to suit certain business needs. We undertake projects to edit our scripts to meet your requirements. This can be done at affordable pricing as well. Contact us with your requests as this is handled on a case by case basis.

Starting from USD 200/day Contact Customer support
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